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10 Day Sweet Pickles

Soak cucumbers in salt water  (enough salt in water to float an egg)
for 3 days in a stone jar --crock.  (can use plastic buckets)
Drain and soak in clear water for 3 days.
Drain, cut, and simmer in weak vinegar solution with 1 tsp alum.
Bring to a boil and add food coloring, if desirec.  Drain.
Cover with:
           3 pts brown vinegar     --Wrap spices in white, cotton
           3 cup white sugar         cloth & tie.  Boil with
           1oz cinnamon sticks       vinegar mix and pour over
           1oz whole cloves          pickles.  Let stand 1 day.
           1oz whole allspice        Drain & repeat process for 4
                                     days.  Discard spices.  Pack
                                     in jars, boil juice & seal.

Ice Water Pickles

Wash 1½ lbs of medium to large cucumbers.  Slice and let soak  in
ice water for 3 hours.  Drain and pack into pint jars.

3 c vinegar       --Combine in pan and bring to boil.  pour over
¼ c salt            pickles and seal.
3/4 c sugar

** can add 3 small onions, ½ tsp mustard seed and 1 celery stalk
to each jar before adding pickle juice.

Refrigerator Dill Pickles

9 c water        --Bring to rolling boil
5 Tbsp salt
1 qt vinegar

Put bits of dill and onion. Layer sliced, unpeeled cucumbers then
more dill and onion.  Cover with hot vinegar mix.  Store in
refrigerator.  Let stand 5 days.  Ready to eat.

**Keeps over a year in refrigerator

Refrigerator Sweet Pickles

3 qts unpeeled cucumbers, sliced
3 small onions               --Put everything in plastic bucket
4 c sugar                      or gallon jar.  Let stand 4 days.
2 c brown vinegar              Ready to eat.
1 1/3 tsp tumeric
1 1/3 tsp celery ceed         ***Keeps 9-10 months
1 1/3 tsp mustard seed
½ c salt