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Apple Crisp

Slice apples into pan.  Sprinkle with sugar, to taste.

mix together----    1 tsp cinnamon
                    1/3 c butter       ---Sprinkle over top of
                    3/4 c flour           apples.  Bake at 350°
                    1 c white sugar       about 40 minutes.
                                          *Can use fresh peaches,
                                           instead of apples.

Cranberry Icebox Cake

1 tbsp melted butter           --Mix together
2 cups  graham cracker crumbs

Line mold with wax paper, alternate layer of crumbs with layer of
Cranberry sauce.  Place in refrigerator 3 hours or more.  Unmold
and slice.  Served with whipped cream or ice cream.

Green Tomato Pie

3 c sliced green tomatoes  ---- Put in unbaked pie shell.
1 1/3 c white sugar
3 Tbsp flour               --   Mix together and pour over tomatoes
¼ tsp salt                      and dot with 2 Tbsp butter.
3/4 tsp cinnamon                Cover with pie crust & seal edges.
5 Tbsp lemon juice
                      Bake at 450° for 10 minutes, then 350° for
                      30 minutes.  Tastes like applie pie.

Hot Fudge Pudding & Cake

1 c flour                                        Spread in ungreased
2 tsp baking powder                              9" x 9" cake pan
¼ tsp salt                --Blend in bowl.       and top with:
3/4 c white sugar                                1 c brown sugar
2 Tbsp cocoa                                     ¼ c cocoa
½ c milk                    --Stir in.
2 Tbsp butter                                    Pour over all
1 c chopped nuts, if desired                     1 3/4 c hot water
                          Bake 45 minutes at 350°.  Serve warm or cold.

Sour Cream Apple Pie

2 c sliced apples     --Put in unbaked pie shell.
3/4 c white sugar
2 Tbsp flour
1 c sour cream        --Mix together and pour over apples.  Can
1 egg, beaten           cover with pie crust or top with crumb
½ tsp vanilla           topping:
dash of salt                    1 tsp cinnamon
                                1/3 c butter
Bake at 450° for 15 minutes,    1/2 c flour        --Mix til butter
then at 325° for 30 minutes.    1/4 c oatmeal        is blended.
                                1 c sugar