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Frozen Pumpkin Pie Dessert

¼ c brown sugar  )-- Combine and bring to a boil, stirring constantyl.
3/4 c pumpkin    )   Cool.
½ tsp cinnamon   )
¼tsp ginger      )   When cool, beat in 1 qt vanilla ice cream.
dash of nutmeg   )   Can add nuts, and trim with whipped topping
dash of cloves   )   or more vanilla ice cream.  Cover and freeze.
¼ tsp salt       )   **Freezing in a loaf pan, then removing and
                       slicing, makes serving very easy.

Hot Chocolate Sauce for Ice Cream

3/4 c white sugar                    Combine in sauce pan & cook
1/4 c butter or margarine            over medium heat, stirring til
2 1oz. chunks bitter chocolate       blended.
2 Tbsp light corn syrup              Add-----¼ c milk & bring to booil,
dash of salt                         stirring constantly til thickened
                        Remove from heat & add 2 tsp vanilla.

Ice Cream Parfait Dessert

1 3oz. package of jello, any flavor )
1¼ c hot water                      ) Stir to dissolve.

2 c ice cream, vanilla or fruit flavor ) Add & stir until ice cream
1 c fruit, your choice                 ) melts.

May be served plain or on graham cracker crust or pie shell.
Chill until set.

Pumpkin Pie

2 c milk, scalded               Mix all ingredients, except milk,
1 c cooked pumpkin              together.  Then add to milk. Mix
½ tsp salt                      well.  Pour into pan or unbaked
2 eggs, beaten                  pie shell and bake at 350°, until
3/4 c sugar                     knife comes out clean.
1 large Tbsp flour
1 tsp cinnamon                  Serve with whipped topping or ice
1 tsp ginger                    cream.

Pumpkin Pie Cake Dessert

1 29oz. can of pumpkin (or 1½ c cooked & blended pumpkin)
4 eggs
1 13oz. can evaporated milk
1½ c white sugar                         Beat together and pour
2 tsp cinnamon                           into ungreased 9" x 13"
½ tsp nutmeg                             cake pan.
1 tsp ginger

Sprinkle top with---1 dry yellow cake mix.
                    chopped nuts

Pour --1c melted butter over cake mix.

Bake at 350° for 1 hour to 1½ hours, until knife comes out clean.
Top with whipped cream.  Serve warm or cold.