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3 c milk, scalded       --Mix together and pour into 2 quart
4 eggs, beated            casserole or 9" x 9" pan.  Sprinkle top
½ c white sugar           with nutmeg and bake at 350° for 30 - 35
¼ tsp salt                minutes, or until knife comes out clean.
1 tsp vanilla           **For pie, pour into unbaked pie shell and
                          bake same as custard.

English Apple Pie

Fill pan 3/4 full of sliced apples (Pie pan with unbaked pie crust)

1/2 c white sugar
1 c brown sugar                Mix together and sprinkle over
1/2 c oatmeal                  apples.  Bake at 400° on bottom
1/2 c flour                    oven shelf for 45 - 50 minutes.
1/2 c butter or margarine      ** Can add chopped nuts to topping.

Wyoming Orange Slice Cake

2 sticks butter or margarine  --Mix together in extra large mixing
1 c white sugar                 bowl, adding sugar 1 cup at a time.

4 eggs -----Add 1 at a time
2 tsp vanilla

1 tsp soda                     --Dissolve soda in sour milk.  Add
1 c sour milk or buttermilk      alternately with: 3½ c flour
                                                   ½ tsp salt

Stir in -- 1 16oz package orange gumdrops, cut up
           1 8oz package dates, chopped
           1 c flaked coconut

Bake in well-greased and floured tube pan at 300° for 1 hour 55 min.

***** I omit the glaze and add 1/3 c frozen orange juice concentrate
      to batter.

GLAZE      --1 c orange juice      --Dissolve sugar in juice and
             2 c powdered sugar      brush over warm cake.

Yummy Apple Delight

Slice apples into 9" x 13" cake pan.  Sprinkle with sugar to taste
and cinnamon.  Cover with white or yellow cake mix, made as per
directions.  Bake at 350° for 30-35 minutes, or until toothpick
comes clean.  Turn over onto cookie sheet and serve with whipped
cream or ice cream.