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Quick Cinnamon Coffee Cake

1½ c flour
1 ½ tsp baking powder          Mix together and pour into 9"x9"
½ c sugar                      greased cake pan.
½ tsp salt
¼ c lard or shortening
1 egg
2/3 c milk

TOPPING:  1/3 c brown sugar
          ½ tsp cinnamon                  --Mix together and
          1 Tbsp flour                      sprinkle over cake
          1 Tbsp butter                     batter.
          ½ c chopped nuts, if desired      Bake at 325° for 25 min.
                                            or until done.

Sweet Dough for Rolls

2 c scalded milk, cooled to luke warm
½ c sugar                               Stir until yeast is dissolved
2 tsp salt
Sprinkle in 2 packages yeast
2 eggs, beaten              Mix together.
½ c soft shortening

7½ c flour                  Stir in about half of flour, using
                            spoon or dough beaters on mixer.
Let raise until             Slowly add remaining flour and work
double in bulk,             with hands as dough stiffens.
punch down and
let raise again.

Use filling as desired.

CINNAMON ROLLS--roll out dough and spread with soft margarine.
                Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar (can add raisens)
                Roll length-wise and cut 1½" to 2" rolls.  Put in
                greased pans and allow to raise to double size.
                Bake at 375° for 25-30 minutes.  Remove from pan
                to cool.  Frost with powdered sugar frosting.

KOLOCHES--shape as for buns, let raise.  Using gravy or soup ladle,
          spoon filling, pressing down center of dough.  Let raise
          again and bake at 375° for 30-35 minutes.  Remove from
          cookie sheet to cool. Can frost with powdered sugar
          frosting or before baking, sprinkle filling with:
                                           ½ c flour
          FILLING--any fruit cooked        ½ c sugar    --mix til
                   and thickened with      2 Tbsp butter  crumbly.
                   sugar and cornstarch.
STICKY ROLLS--Make same as cinnamon rolls, omitting raisens.  In
              bottom of cake pan, put:  2 c sweet cream
                                        1 c brown sugar