Page 37

Brownie Master Mix

6 c flour                 --Mix ingredients thoroughly with mixer
4 tsp baking powder         til fine and crumbly.  Refrigerate in
4 tsp salt                  airtight container.  **Keeps indefinately
2½ c cocoa
8 c sugar               TO USE: 3 1/3 c mix
2 c shortening                  2 eggs, beaten
                                2 Tbsp water          --Mix and
Bake at 350° for 25 minutes.    1 tsp vanilla           bake in
                                ½ c chopped nuts        9"x13" pan .

Homemade Bisquick Mix

8 c flour                 --Mix together with mixer til fine and
1/3 baking powder           crumbly.  Store in refrigerator in
2 tsp salt                  airtight container.  Keeps a long time.
8 tsp sugar
1 c shortening              ** Use the same as any recipe for Bisquick

Pancake Master Mix

12 c flour       --Mix well & store in airtight container on shelf.
4 c dry milk       TO USE:    1½ c mix
3/4 c sugar                   1 c water       --Mix together and
3/4 c baking powder           1 egg             fry in hot pan with
2 Tbsp salt                   2 Tbsp oil        a little oil.  Light
                                                and fluffy pancake.

Pudding Master Mix

4 c sugar                     --Mix and store in airtight container
1 c plus 2 Tbsp cornstarch      on shelf.
3½ c dry milk
1 ½ tsp salt

TO USE :  1½ c master mix    --Cook in double boiler all but vanilla
1 egg or 2 egg yolks           have water boiling first, stir
1¼ c water                     pudding constantly til thick and
1 Tbsp butter                  smooth, about 7 minutes.  Remove from
½ tsp vanilla                  heat, set pan in cold water.  Add
                               vanilla.  Do not stir til cool.
**For chocolate pudding:
       Add--4 Tbsp cocoa
            2 Tbsp butter

Shake Pizza Dough

3/4 c milk
2 egg          --Put in quart jar, with lid on, and shake

1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp oregano  --Add and shake
1/4 tsp pepper                           --Put in greased cookie
1 c flour       --Add and shake            sheet.  Spoon on sauce,
                                           toppings, and cheese.
Bake at 350° for 20-30 minutes.  for thicker crust, double recipe.