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Apple Salad & Harvest Dressing

Equal amounts of apples and celery, chopped fine.

Dressing - equal amounts of apple jelly and mayonnaise.

Cole Slaw Dressing

10 c sugar               --combine in pan and bring to boil.
6 c brown vinegar          Add celery seed to taste.

Keep refrigerated

Diet Watcher's Salad

1 head lettuce, washed         --Put in layers in large cake pan
1 c shopped peepers, green       or tupperware.  Pour dressing
½ c chopped onion                over top and sprinkle with bacon
½ c chopped celery               chips and ¼ - ½ lb shredded cheddar
1 box fozen peas                 cheese.  Refrigerate 24 hours before
1 small jar Hellman's Salad Dressing    Serving.  Cover tightly.

Gold Punch

2 34oz pre-sweetened lemon Kool-aid     **Makes 150 servings of
20 qts water and ice                      7½ oz size cups.
8 small cans frozen lemonaide
2 large (12 oz) cans sweetened orange juice
2 large cans unsweetened pineapple juice

Mix everything together except ice.  When ready to use, measure
5 qts of mix and add 1 bottle of ginger ale.  This recipe will
use a total of 6 qts of ginger ale.

Goldie's Frosting

1 c milk
1 Tbsp flour           Cook in pan like pudding.  When thick,
1 c white sugar        remove from heat and add vanilla.  Cool
4 or 5 egg yolks       and spread on cake.
1 tsp vanilla

Grape Punch

4 packages grape Kool-aid                Mix together.  When
2 c sugar                                ready to use, add:
2 46oz unsweetened pineapple juice       1 qt ginger ale
2 qts water                              1 qt 7-up
1 6oz frozen lemonaide                   ice
1 46oz HiC Grape drink
½ c Real Lemon juice                  **Makes 212 oz. Serves 65-70.
2 tsp lemon Kool-aid