Sugar Cookies

1/2 c shortening ------)
1/2 tsp salt           )  ----Blend together.
1 tsp lemon flavoring  )       *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
1 c wh sugar ----------)    *  Chill.  Roll into a small ball.
          ( 1 egg           *  Dip in bowl of sugar or sugar
Beat      ( 2 Tbsp milk     *  and sinnamon.  Bake 8 - 10 min.
  in      ( 2 c flour       *  in 325° oven.
          ( 1 tsp b. powder *  (cinnamon & sugar mix = 2 Tbsp sugar
          ( 1/2 tsp soda    *                 plus 1 tsp cinnamon )