Sour Cream Penocha

1½ c white sugar           --Combine in heavy 3 qt pan.  Stir over
1½ c brown sugar             low heat til sugar is dissolved.  Boil
¼ tsp salt                   over medium heat, stirring gently til
¼ tsp soda                   it reaches soft ball stage (238° on
1 c sour cream               candy thermometer.)  Remove from heat &
1 Tbsp dark syrup            add butter & vanilla.  DO NOT STIR.
2 Tbsp butter                Leave thermometer in pan, cool mix,
1 tsp vanilla                without stirring, to 110°.

Beat with spoon until mixture loses its gloss and becomes creamy.
Quickly spread candy in greased 8"x8"x2" pan.  Mark into squares
and let set.  Makes 1½ lb.