Cream Pie and Variations

¼ c cornstarch                   Heat milk, saving ½ c.  Mix all
2/3 c sugar                      other ingredients together and
¼ tsp salt                       add to scalded milk.  Stir until
2 c scalded milk                 thickened.
3 slightly beaten egg yolks      Fold in egg whites, which have been
2 Tbsp butter or margarine       beaten until stiff.  Add vanilla.
½ tsp vanilla                    Cool.  Serve as pudding or put into
                                 baked pie shell.

**If you are making pie, leave out the egg whites and use for
     BANANA-- slice 2 or 3 bananas into filling.
     COCONUT--Add 1 c shredded coconut to filling and sprinkle ½ c
coconut on meringue.
     DATE--Add 1 c finely chopped dates to filling.
     PINEAPPLE--Add ½c thoroughly drained, crushed pineapple to
     BUTTERSCOTCH--Substitue 1 c brown sugar for 2/3 c white sugar,
increase butter to 3 Tbsp.
     CHOCOLATE--Increase sugar to 1 cut, melt 2 1 oz. squares of
unsweetened chocolate in scalded milk.


In small mixer bowl, beat egg whites at high speed, with ¼ tsp salt,
until soft peaks form.

Gradually add 6 Tbsp white sugar (2 Tbsp at a time), beating
thoroughly after each addition until stiff peaks form. (Test
meringue mixture to see if sugar is dissolved by--rubbing a bit
of meringue between thumb and forefinger.  If it isn't grainy,
the meringue is ready to use.  Continue beating if it is grainy-

Spread meringue over filling, making sure to cover pie crust edges.
Swirl or pull up points of meringue with back of spoon to make
attractive.  Bake 10 minutes at 400°, until golden brown.