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Butterhorns or Buns

1½ c sweet milk
½ c sugar                    ---Put in small pan and heat.
½ c butter or margarine
½ tsp salt
1½ packages dry yeast
1 tsp sugar              Mix together and let set. Remove milk from
¼ c warm water           heat and beat until luke warm.
3 eggs, beaten                   Add to yeast & milk mixture.  Mix.
enough flour to make soft dough

let raise in greased bowl til double in size.  Knead down and let
raise again.  (Cover dough with towel while raising.)

Butterhorns- Take small piece of dough and roll out with rolling pin
(like for pie crust).  Brush with melted butter and cut into triangle,
start rolling at large end.  Place on cookie sheet and let raise
again until double in size.  Bake at 425° for 10 - 15 minutes.

Buns- Form small ball of dough and place close together on greased
pan.  Let raise again until double in size.  Bake at 425° for
25 - 35 min.  Brush tops with melted butter when done.

Old Fashioned German Bread

3Tbsp melted butter
2 Tbsp sugar                           Mix together and put in
1 egg                                  greased muffin tins, filling
1 c sweet milk                         each cup about 2/3 full.
2 c flour                              Bake at 400° for 20-25 min.
2 Tbsp baking powder
pinch of salt

Old Fashioned German Bread

1 package dry yeast dissolved in ½ c warm water an 1 tsp sugar
3½ c water and 2½ Tbsp salt
white flour                 --Mix together to make spongy dough.
Dark flour ---- add to spongy dough to make smooth dough.

Put in greased bread pans and let raise.  Bake 1 hour at 350°.

Sunday Refrigerator Rolls

1 c boiling water
¼ c white sugar                 Mix together.  Dough can be kept
½ tsp salt                      in airtight container in refrigerator
4 c flour                       for a week.
1 egg, beaten
1 Tbsp lard or shortening
1 package dry yeast, dissolved in 1/8 c warm water

1 c white sugar                 Make small balls of dough, dip in
1½ tsp cinnamon                 melted butter and roll in sugar
1 heaping Tbsp flour            mixture.  Leave in refrigerator in
                                greased cake pan overnight.  Bake
                                in morning.  Bake at 300° for 45 min.