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7 Minute Frosting

2 egg whites             --Combine in top of double boiler over
1/3 c water                boiling water.  Beat with mixer til
¼ tsp cream of tartar      it forms peaks, about 7 minutes.  Remove
1½ c white sugar           from heat and add:
¼ tsp salt                               1 tsp vanilla
                                         ½ c small marshmellows.
                           Mix til marshmellows melt.


1 c seeded dates   --Grind with medium blade of food chopper.
¼ c figs             Knead mixture & form into 12 balls.  Roll in
1 c coconut          finely shredded, toasted coconut.

Buttermilk Candy

2 c white sugar           --Combine in sause pan and cook slowly
1 c fresh buttermilk        til forms a soft ball (238° on candy
1½ Tbsp butter              thermometer).
1 c chopped nuts          --Add butter and beat until slightly hard.
                            Add nuts, little at a time, When almost
                            hard, pour into greased dish & cut.

Chocolate Frosting

3 sq unsweetened chocolate     --melt chocolate in top of double
1½ c powdered sugar              boiler over boiling water.  Remove
2½ Tbsp hot water                from boiling water & add sugar &
3 egg yolks, or 1 whole egg      water.  Blend well.  Add egg yolks
4Tbsp soft butter                1 at a time, beating well after
chopped nuts                     each.  Add butter.  Beat well.
                                 Spread on cake, top with nuts.

Corn Flake Bars

½ c white sugar      --Cook to soft ball stage (238° on candy ther-
½ c light syrup        mometer)
½ c cream

WORK FAST FROM HERE ON  --Add 3 c corn flakes
                              ½ c chopped peanuts
                              ½ c coconut

Spread on grased 8"x8" pan.  Cool & cut into squares.  Wrap in
wax paper or foil.

Jiffy Candy

1/3 c chocolate chips --melted over hot water
1 c puffed rice ------Add.  Drop by spoonsful onto wax paper & chill.