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Rye Bread

1 Tbsp salt                    Dissolve 1 package dry yeast in
6 Tbsp lard or shortening      ½ c warm water.  Add to other
2 Tbsp molasses                ingredients
½ c brown sugar
2½ c water
1½ c rye or rye graham or whole wheat flour    --Add.
2 c white flour

Let raise in greased bowl until double in size (about 1½ hours).
covered with dish towel.  Knead in 5 c white flour.  Let raise
again until double in size.  Make into loaves, put in greased
bread pans and let raise again until double in size.  Bake at 350°
for 35 - 45 minutes.  Cool on rack and brush with butter.

School Muffins

1½ c oil
1 c white sugar
4 eggs, beaten
1 c buttermilk or sour milk
2 tsp soda
¼ c dark syrup
4 c flour
1 tsp slat
½ tsp cinnamon
½ tsp ginger
½ tsp nutmeg or allspice
½ c raisens   )
½ c prunes    ) Grind or chop fine
½ c apricots  )

                   Mix in order given

White Bread

2 packages dry yeast
2 c lukewarm water    ------ Mix and set aside for 15 minutes.
2 c milk, calded & cooled
¼ c white sugar                   Mix together and put in greased
2 Tbsp salt                       bowl, cover and let raise til
11 - 12 c flour                   double in size.  Put in greased
4 Tbsp lard or shortening, melted      bread pans.  Let raise again
                                       till double in size.  Bake
                                       at 425° for 25-30 minutes.
**Can use potato water instead of milk or blend mashed potatoes in
the water.  Can put a raw potato in blender with small amount of
water and puree.  Then add enough water to make 4 cups.